Rhoda Genasci
(209) 492-6648

Student Activities
Johansen has a number of amazing activities students can get involved in throughout the school year! Activities help students make friends, build soft skills, and feel a part of the school culture. All students should be encouraged to take part in as many activities as they can while in high school!
Below is a brief overview of each activity. For more information, please see the corresponding links on the menu above.
Johansen offers both junior varsity and varsity cheerleading. Cheerleaders create routines including dance, jumps, tumbling, cheers, and stunts to direct spectators at sporting events, rallies, and other activities to cheer for the school's teams. Cheerleading contains aspects of school spirit and competition.
Johansen has a wide range of clubs to suit a variety of student interests, including: Agape, Key Club, National Art Honor Society, Ping Pong, Hip Hop/Freestyle, Anime, Future Business Leaders of America, French, Spanish, Associated Latino's Union, Dance Production, Technology/Video Gaming, Photography, Black Student's Union, Link Crew, Future Farmers of America, FHA, Foodies, Science Bowl, Science Olympiad, Academic Decathlon, I Can, Pals, Viking Gardeners, & Purple Reign.
Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal". Students that are part of this valuable program learn to be leaders at their school and in their community.
Link Crew
The Link Crew program, which uses members of the junior and senior classes as Link Crew leaders, provides a structure which guides freshmen toward both academic and social success. Link Crew helps create an environment where freshmen learn that people at school care about them and their future by removing the culture of negativity toward freshman and replacing it with support, connection and a sense of comfort and belonging.
Mock Trial
In mock trial, students participate in rehearsed trials to learn about the legal system in a competitive manner. The mock trial program was started to allow high school students to experience the courtroom in a hands-on role. Mock trials are set up and structured just like a real court, bound by the same rules. This helps students to know exactly what role each of the different people in a court (judges, lawyers, witnesses, etc.) do in the judicial system. Cases typically have to do with problems faced by teens, and will usually involve teenagers as witnesses.
Powderpuff football games are an annual tradition at Johansen. The game puts girls from the junior class against girls in the senior class in a flag football or touch football contest. Boys, usually athletes, will be the cheerleaders. Powderpuff usually occurs before homecoming.
Each year Johansen students may attend up to four rallies which are held in the Gym. The regular school day is shortened so that students who ride the bus may attend. Rallies consist of numerous activities to get students pumped up before big sporting events!
Johansen offers a wide variety of sports for students to choose from including: baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling. Read more about sport.
For more information on student activities or athletics please contact one of the following.

Activities Director

Athletic Director
Breyton Campbell
(209) 574-1760

Activities Secretary
Tara Roe
(209) 492-2079