It is the responsibility of each Bidder to ensure Modesto City Schools (MCS) has their correct business name and contact information on file (including an email address). Any prospective Bidder who obtained bid documents from the MCS website or from anyone other than MCS is responsible for advising MCS that they have a set of contract documents and wish to receive subsequent Addenda.
The District may, during the bid period, advise the bidder by bulletin or addenda of additions, omissions or alterations in the specifications. All such changes shall be included in the bid and become a part of the specifications as if originally submitted. Any and all subsequent Addenda must be signed and included with the bidder’s response.
Please send your contact information to the Purchasing Department at MCSBids@mcs4kids.com with the subject line “Bidder Contact Info” and include the following information:
RFP or Bid Number
Company Name
Contact Person's Name
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
May 2021 Update – PROCURENOW is Open for a limited number of MCS Bids...
Register as a prospective bidder ONLINE and Submit Electronic Bids and Proposals
The Modesto City School District is currently transitioning from a paper-based solicitation process to an electronic bidding and vendor registration system. During the transition, you will want to check BOTH the existing Open Bids link on the site and the District’s new e-Procurement Portal located here for opportunities to do business with the District.
The District’s New e-Procurement Portal will allow prospective bidders to do the following:
Register to receive notifications of future opportunities by signing up for our new e-Procurement Portal and selecting Subscribe to create an account
Follow along with updates to existing opportunities by finding the opportunity and clicking the Follow button. This will allow all interested bidders to received amendments and addenda automatically.
Submit questions and receive answers regarding open bids opportunities
Guide vendors through the process of responding electronically to RFPs, bids, etc to ensure your bids have been accurately completed.
Be your one location for all bid opportunities issued by the District