Work Experience
The Work Experience Education Program gives students thorough knowledge of the fundamental principles of work. Through real world experiences, hands-on applications at worksites, and the work experience curriculum, students understand the connection between schoolwork and the real world. Students acquire skills that will be helpful in developing long-range career goals, as well as, selecting post-secondary education options.
General Information
The Work Experience program is for Juniors and Seniors, 16 and older, with paid employment. This is an excellent way to earn up to 20 credits per year. Students can work up to 40 hours per week if they are enrolled in Work Experience (a regular work permit only allows a student to work up to 20 hours per week). An in-person class meeting is required one day per week, with the Work Experience Educator. Students will learn from numerous guest speakers, who are prominent in the community. Students will also learn about employable soft skills, how to fill out a résumé, interview skills, workplace professionalism, and many other "real life" skills.
Students must be on track for graduation to be in Work Experience.
In order to get a work permit, the student must have already been offered a job.
Students must be working at least 10 hours per week.
Students must be a junior or senior, 16+ years old.
All work permits must be renewed within the first 5 days of a new school year.
For more information or questions about becoming part of this program, please contact:
Grant Genasci
Work Experience Educator
(209) 492-4291